5 Tips For Personal Branding and Marketing

5 Tips For Personal Branding and Marketing

Personal Branding

Do you still battle with getting a laser targeted audience of prospects? You feel you have taken action exactly the way you were told to by your upline. However, you still are not seeing results from your hard work.

I know your pain! I experienced it also. And most marketers have been in the same situation.

There is a solution that can turn things around for you. Personal Branding can make a life-changing difference.

You probably have heard the word “branding” many times if you have been in the marketing industry for some time. It’s become one of the most common subjects in entrepreneurship — and for good reason.

Personal branding is the practice of people marketing themselves and their company as the brand. While previous self-help management techniques were about self-improvement, the personal branding concept suggests instead that success comes from self-packaging.

Think about some of the biggest brands’ public images. McDonald’s, for instance, has built a brand around fast-food convenience, variety of products, quality ingredients and kid-friendly enticing consumers who live a busy lifestyle.

You’ll see examples of those branding factors and everything that McDonald’s, from roadside signage and on television to its social media profiles.

That’s exactly the approach you need to take when creating a personal brand. You might not have roadside signage or run television commercials, but you have to think about how your personal brand is represented when you communicate with your audience online.

Are you getting a clearer picture of how Branding you can help you become a credible authority in your online Presence?

5 Tips to get started:

  • Marketing YOU rather than the company you sell products or services for is in your best interest. Establishing YOU as a Brand helps you become a credible authority. Do you have a vision of who YOU want to be?
  • You must have a daily presence to become an authority that people will follow and look forward to your posts, podcasts, videos, etc. Having a daily routine provides a leveraged connection with your followers.
  • Your biggest obstacle is mindset. Never be in the place where you are convinced you have made it. There is always more to come.
  • Next, celebrate your wins! You don’t have to be an expert, just be the Best YOU.
  • Personal Branding allows YOU to be unique and stand out by taking one idea take makes you different. Add some humor in your posts. Be clear and concise and keep it simple. You will surely dominate.

So how do you get started?

Check out this blog post to help you get started from scratch. By building your Personal Brand, your audience can get to know you, not the company you represent. Most people would rather buy from people that they know, like and trust.

It’s also important to share the benefits of your products or service without mentioning the company name. Plant a seed of curiosity in your prospects mind. This will likely have them reach out to you to find out what you have to offer. Bang, open door!

Become an Instant Authority!

So now that you have your Personal Brand all set up you are ready to become an Instant Authority! By using the Instant Authority Method.

This SIMPLE method will make you become an expert in the eyes of your prospects.

If you’re the type of person who is ready to position yourself as the authority, become the leader in your niche, anchor YOU as the expert, start getting paid what you’re worth, and you’re excited to build your dream business with unlimited leads coming to you, then ‘Instant Authority Method’ was made for you, and your time is NOW! Take Action Today!

P.S. Was this Helpful? Let me know with a Like, Comment and Share.

Donna M Sands, SandsOnlineVentures@gmail.com

Donna M Sands
Always Here to Help!


New or Just Starting In A Home Business, Listen Up!

So happy for you taking the Jump in a new or just starting in a home business. You have made a wise choice to take control of your future. You may be looking to earn some little extra money or go full time working from home. Either way you can design what works best for you. Maybe you are looking to retire soon, or have kids ready to send off to college, travel the world, whatever your vision is, you are in the right place. Congratulations!

Starting a new business is exciting in many ways. And I will be honest, it does take hard work. It is although, well worth it and the payoff can be must bigger their you ever dreamed.Three C's to Success

Today, I will share some recommendations to get you started and become a credible respected authority right away.

Start by following the three C’s:

  • Commitment

Make a firm decision to commit to investing in yourself with personal development, training and marketing tools.

  • Consistency

Stay consistent in sharing quality content with your prospects and keep them engaged.

  • Compliance 

Stay aware of changes on social media so you don’t get banned. Changes occur constantly so be aware to follow up on these changes and share them with your team.

Myself, like many other top earners have devoted time and money throughout our ventures, only to fail. From failure comes knowledge so from each failure believe it, success is gained.  Branding yourself will require you to find a unique way to stand out above all others. A quote I came across expresses this well.

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun. — Mary Lou Cook”

With the help and guidance of great coaches and mentors, I have partnered with one of the top business education companies out there and they teach business owners and entrepreneurs virtually everything they need to be successful.

Outsourcing, getting traffic, management, how to sell better, starting business…..all of it! They also teach people who want to earn an income on the side of what they are already doing through online affiliate marketing.

This is where you can promote products and services to people without having to provide any support and you get paid a commission anytime someone buys….pretty incredible.

They have a training program that teaches you how to start out your own affiliate business in your spare time (you’ll need about 30 minutes a day to get started).

Read some of the success stories on this page and see for yourself.

P.S. Was this Helpful? Let me know with a Like, Comment and Share. Remember to complete the form on the right of this page and get your Special FREE Gift.

P.S.S. Looking for Free, no obligation, one on one introduction to an amazing home business opportunity, Click Here for Instant Access!

Improving the Lives of Others.

Donna M Sands, SandsOnlineVentures@gmail.com


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