Creative Lead Generation

Lead generation is a vitally important part of a digital marketing strategy. If you don’t have leads, people don’t get your emails. Emails generate sales, foster public relations, and give you a place to talk to your customer. Having leads for those emails is a must.

Getting new leads can sometimes be difficult. More and more people are choosing to not opt into emails and this can leave your lead list flat and your email delivery stagnant. Lead Generation

People are more apt to share their emails with you if they feel like they are getting something of genuine value by sharing them. Here are a few creative ways to capture leads that convert.

Use success stories

Odds are that you have at least a few success stories from thought leaders in your industry. Reach out to them and interview them. Turn that interview into a webinar, podcast, or articles.

A conversation with a thought leader about how they became successful is a compelling and valuable piece of content. When you share this content, lead lock it. People who really want to see the content will be more than happy to give you their email in exchange for advice from a thought leader.

Make “Help” videos

 Making help videos is another great way to capture leads. If there is a problem that you see a large number of people who use your service having, such as “how do I create a Facebook page” or something of the like, make a video solving the problem.

Not only do these videos provide useful information for your clients, they can also help you gather new customers and clients by helping them solve their problem.

For the best payoff from help videos, create an education center page on your website with a few videos. Have people provide their email address to sign-up and use the free education center. This gives you valuable leads that can turn into new customers.

Embrace the quiz trend

 Quizzes are big right now. They are all over social media and have started to creep into display ads and email inboxes. Use the quiz trend to your advantage.

Quizzes, especially when they are created well, are a great lead generation driver. People love learning what kind of flower they are or which celebrity they act like the most. Usually, the more outlandish the quiz, the better.

Quizzes are also great to push out on social media for some new engagement and boosted traffic and likes on your company’s page. Use the power of the quiz for all it’s worth and it will deliver a host of great results.

Give insight into what’s working for you

 Have something you are doing that is working really well for you? Talk about it! Host a webinar about it or write a blog or whitepaper. People want to know what works for others and they are more than willing to exchange their email for that information.

Be an information provider and people will start to look to you as an authority. Consider using the pieces as a lead generation ad on Facebook and test the response.

Host a giveaway

 Giveaways are one of the easiest and frankly the best ways to gather leads. When you create a great giveaway, people will happily give you their email address for a chance to win.

Giveaways do require some careful consideration when you are using them for lead generation though. You have to be prepared that some people who enter the giveaway may have little to no interest in your company and won’t be good leads.

That being said, giveaways are still a great lead generation tool and can give you a ton of leads in a short amount of time. This is especially true if you use social media to promote the giveaway.

Want to learn more about getting great leads? Check out my done-for-you system today!

[bctt tweet=”“The lead generation process starts by finding out where your target market ‘lives’ on the web.” – Wayne Davis” username=”sandsonlinevent”]

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P.S.S. Looking for Free, no obligation, one on one introduction to an amazing home business opportunity, Click Here for Instant Access!

Donna M Sands,

Improving the Lives of Others.
Always Here to Help!

How to Use “Spammy” Website Tricks Efficiently

Let’s start right off the bat and make it very clear that we are not encouraging you to spam your customers or trap people with clickbait. Those tactics don’t work out well for anyone. With that said, there truly is a way to efficiently use “Spammy” Website Tricks that can help boost conversions. spammy

With some subtle but effective methods traditional employed by spam sites, you can actually help boost your website traffic, leads, and sales without annoying your customers.

Here’s how to make three traditional spammy tactics work for you and your customers.

[bctt tweet=”Not All Spam Is Alike. It Can Be Used Efficiently!” username=”sandsonlinevent”]

Countdown timers

 Countdown timers are a great way to push a sense of urgency. If you are running a big sale or have a special offer and put a countdown timer on it, people feel like they have to act or risk losing out. No one wants to lose out.

When a person goes to your website and sees that little timer ticking down, their primitive brain goes into panic mode. Seeing time tick away makes them worry that they are going to lose out on something or that they are going to miss out on something everyone else is getting.

This panic isn’t a conscious response and it can be used to your advantage. Consider putting a countdown timer at the top of your website page when you are having a sale or in the checkout cart to help avoid cart abandoners.

Countdown timers can also be good for autoplay webinars. Delivering a little “webinar starting in 5 minutes” with a countdown timer as a pop-up in the bottom corner of a screen can draw people in. They will see the pop-up and think “Oh! What luck! I came to this page just as they were starting a webinar. Now I have to watch it.”

While countdown timers are great, make sure that you use them sparingly and only where appropriate. If your timers become predictable and expected, they lose their effectiveness. Keep your customers guessing and your countdown timers will work towards your advantage.

Autopilot webinars

 Have you ever poked around on a company’s website, landed on a conversion page, and see a little “webinar starting soon” banner with a countdown clock? While it would be nice to believe that you landed on that page at the exact right time for a webinar, this is not usually the case.

Webinars are a great way to drive conversions and get leads; however, they usually don’t convert well when you are doing them live. People may express interest in them and even register for them, but it is more than likely that they will forget about your webinar and never watch it. This is there autopilot webinars came into play.

Autopilot webinars are designed to drive people down the purchase funnel. Someone’s interest in your services or product is highest when they are navigating through your website and registering to get more information.

The idea with autopilot webinars is that you capture those people when their interest is the highest, at the registering for more information stage. Adding an autopilot webinar to the registration confirmation page can make people more likely to actually purchase your product.

Choose a webinar that works well for these first time, exploratory customers. A webinar about the importance of what you do and how it helps others be successful is a great example. Make sure to add a countdown timer here and change the webinar once a quarter. That way you can keep people guessing and capture more customers.

Utilize overlays

 Overlays or “Welcome Mats” are a great way to get leads and push people to take action. Essentially, they are a total screen takeover that pops up when people get to a certain page on your website. Usually, they include some kind of messaging like “Want to become an expert? Sign up for our newsletter now!”

Overlays can be a little annoying to customers, but they work. They work really well, especially when it comes to lead generation.

But when it really comes down to it, putting all of these tactics together gets the best results. Create a pop-up overlay with a lead generation box, an autoplay webinar, and a countdown to the webinar and you are in business. Using “spammy” techniques intelligently can give your digital marketing the boost it needs.

Want to learn more about how to make these tools work for you? Check out my done-for-you system today.

P.S. Was this Helpful? Let me know with a Like, Comment and Share. Remember to complete the form on the right of this page and get your Special Gift.

P.S.S. Looking for Free, no obligation, one on one introduction to an amazing home business opportunity, Click Here for Instant Access!

Donna M Sands,

Improving the Lives of Others.
Always Here to Help!
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