How To Start Blogging

Start Blogging

Start Blogging

Where to go from here?? You have seen that many of the top earners own their own blog site, so what now? Consider first the items listed below and Let’s Start Blogging. Put a bit in Planning and thoughts together. Spend time to read books, attend webinars, join network groups from successful Online Marketers to get ideas. One book I enjoyed was “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleStart Blogging” by Steven R. Covey. A great read for anyone.

Another book that many of you may have heard of before is “The Secret”. The Great Secret of Life is the law of attraction. Every Network Marketer will tell you that Attraction Marketing is a gift of success. Now let’s talk about other parts of planning you need to consider.


To be successful in today’s online world it is important to realize you need to make yourself stand out. To become a successful blogger set your mind and determination on making a difference to get people’s attention. I know, I hear you already, who is going to listen to me? So you need to find a unique way to stand out with something new and fresh. So what is unique about you? Well, let’s start with your name, you know the name mom gave you. And think about your interests, personality and look.

Branding YOU

So why not make your Brand “You”, express yourself in your own manner, as you are. You are unique. Assess your life and the role you’ve been playing, build confidence in yourself by simply looking in the mirror and saying good things about yourself or even things you feel you could easily change to attract people. Make a difference to and for yourself. Feel impressed with yourself. Set your mind on being successful, become an expert on your products and “Brand” yourself as the special individual you are. This will earn you respect and people will return to your blog. Not sure how to get started branding YOU? Click Here to Learn More…

Who Will Be Your Target Audience

Consider your products, the company, the leaders, the compensation plan, the Mission Statement. Who would get the most from all these things? Are you in the mindset that you want to help others, start their own home business, earn some extra money, and improve their lives?  Do some research to see how you can connect with those people that could best utilize what you have to offer. Social Media outlets are a great place to start. Follow people that are successful and look at comments from their posts. Search for groups that have similar interests as you.

So here are few ideas to get you started blogging. Here are some additional resources you will find helpful:


Blogging has proven to be one of the best marketing strategies to grow your business. It may not be for you but I love blogging and get better and better with each post. There are endless resources available that provide the formula of key components, ideas of what to blog about and so much more. If you feel it is for you I am always here to help. Keep yourself open to giving this strategy a try. You never know until you take the leap. Much Success.

P.S. If you find value in this blog, feel free to Like, Comment and Share. I would love to hear your comments and suggestions on what subjects you would like more training. Let’s get connected.

Donna Sands,

Start Blogging
Always Here to Help!

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